Friday, October 17, 2008

The Sprague Lab....NEW CLASS and Jessica ROCKS!

So I follow Jessica Sprague....on Twitter, I love her blog, her now I should be a pro at Photo Shop, but I'm scared to death and just don't know where to begin....i take that back. Yes, I do know where to begin...with her class! I just need to get started and she's the perfect I'm going to do her Photo Shop Class...but that's another story. ANYWAY........

I just saw on her blog about a new class she's teaching.....ah! You have no idea how excited this makes me! I mean, this class is so up my alley! It's just awesome! It's called Stories in Hand. Go read her post and you'll see why I'm bouncing around in my seat!! I can't wait! Her work is amazing, but to know that she has such a deep passion about story and the important parts of why we scrapbook/memory keep or even attempt to just makes me love her more! No, I'm not a stocker, and she doesn't even know I exist, but I think she's there!

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