Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Fireproof: Changing Lives & Marriages Bloggy GIVE-AWAY!!

Bloggy Giveaway Carnival Has arrived!!! Woo-hoo! Here's my first giveaway...

(Don't forget the other ones... #2 Complete Family Story & Photobook

My husband and I went out on our monthly...or quarterly date. (Yes, we need to get out more, but it's been crazy) Anyway, he's been working so many hours and we haven't been able to spend much time together lately...alone...without our sweet blessings running around our ankles or are beautiful drama-filled teens giving us a rundown of their personal dramas and disasters. So I took it upon myself to take my hubby out on a date. We went to dinner and then to the movies...

I had no idea what I was about to see. I had no idea what Fireproof was about except for the fact that it was supposed to be great movie for husbands and wives to go see together. Hum...okay. We'll go. There isn't much out there worth seeing nowadays, and a husband-wife film rated PG?! Woo-hoo! It's about time.

I honestly don't even know how to explain what I felt during the movie, after the movie and even right now, 3 days later. Part of me wants to tear up and another part of me wants to yell out a loud AMEN! I want my hubby to come home right now so I can give him a hug and tell him I love him. There's another part of me that's a little sad...sad because I wasn't prepared for the life-changing counsel I was about to partake in that night. It's like it came, hit me over the head and then I had to take it all in with no warning. I want so bad to go back and do it all over again.

This movie is inspirational. A masterpiece about life and marriage. It has captured marriage in a reverent and beautiful way. It provides direction and hope for all who will just put their heart, soul and mind in Jesus' hands. It's a simple, but profound message of love and hope. It reaches deep in the soul and reminds couples of the covenant they took upon themselves at marriage and the sacredness of it.

The message Fireproof offers will change lives. Fireproof will change marriages. Fireproof will bring people unto Christ and bring back those that are lost. Marriages and families will be strengthened. Hope will find its way into despair-filled hearts. I can promise you that you will not leave this movie the same person you were when you walked in. It cannot happen.

When the movie ended the entire theater broke out into the loudest applause. I have never witness an applause at the end of a theater movie. I think it took about 30 seconds for the applause to stop and for everyone to start standing up to leave. As I went to stand up my husband grabbed my hand and pressed his check against my head. At that moment my heart skipped a beat. I turned to look at the crowd and I stopped dead in my tracks. Husbands and wives were standing and hugging, tears of joy and hope were running down faces of both men and women, some still sat almost too overwhelmed to move, and others stood and stared not wanting to leave the spirit that filled this theater. I too did not want to leave. I had forgotten I was in the theater and when the lights went on it was actually a disappointment.

Please go see this movie. Make it a point to go with your spouse or fiance. Open your heart and mind to the beautiful message.

I just purchased the "Fireproof Couples Study Kit" and 2...yes TWO, of the "Love Dare Books". I don't need to copies do I? No, I only need one. So I would like to give one away to you! All you need to do is a leave a comment with your email and/or a post on your own blog about marriage, family, the movie Fireproof, your spouse, anything to do with good happy marriage thoughts. Leave the link in the comment section. Ends Oct. 31 11:59 pm EST, and I'll draw a winner on November 1. US residence only.

Need more reasons to go see the movie? Visit the Fireproof Blog for 12 more Reasons!


Anonymous said...

I LOVED the movie Fireproof. It dealt with a lot of major family issues like respect, marriage, mom/dad/children, pornography etc. Also, it was HILARIOUS!! Thanks fo the giveaway!


UtahJenny said...

WOW!!! You've brought tears to my eyes just reading your description - it looks like we'll need to get out to that, haven't heard of it playing around here yet. I'll check it out. We go out on quarterly dates, too ;)
Seriously - thanks for the info. I will definitely check it out.

Rae said...

Hey Tara,

Thanks so much for letting me know about this giveaway! After seeing the movie I decided I would buy the Love Dare book but of course I haven't quite gotten around to it yet!

I love your post and your passion for this movie. I must say I had an issue with the car accident scene but besides that hubby and I sat so still squeezing each others hand through the whole movie. Afterwards we just talked and talked and talked. The movie has been on my mind constantly ever since Friday. Amazing!

I did a quick little blurb about seeing the movie (which you already saw). I'm not sure if that quite qualifies so I will do another post tomorrow and link my post to your giveaway.

Thanks again, Tara! BTW, Trendy Mommy should have draft one of my design template by tomorrow morning. I'm so excited!!

Heather Anne said...

Super review - I can't wait to see it! We were supposed to go see it for our anniversary on the 12th, but I was too ill to enjoy it! I hope that our opportunity will come again soon, but in the meantime, I'm glad so many others have been so blessed!

I was just thinking about what makes our marriage strong yesterday so here is the link:


Thanks for your great review!
(who found you through Rae)

Jodi W said...

Sounds like a must see!

Melissa said...

I would really like to see this movie, but unfortunately we'd have to drive for an hour and that's just not in the budget at the moment. Here's hoping it comes out on DVD soon!

My own marriage has gone through its share of ups and downs over the past twelve years. The book could probably help us!
parcelhome at comcast dot net

rylie's mom said...

It was a great movie. My husband and I really enjoyed it.

Anonymous said...

It was a good movie. A long time ago, early on in our marriage, we went through the Love Languages book and still to this day, we will ask each other our Love Tank is. This book would be a great compliment to that.
kvicker at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

i am dying to see this movie! thanks for the endorsement ~smile~

Dionna said...

I loved the movie and would love this book. I think it would inspire me. I have a great marriage but my husband outdoes me sometimes and I can get distracted by other things.
GREAT Giveaway.

Stacy said...

I haven't seen this movie, but reading your description has made me put it in my netflix list for when it comes out on dvd.

Kristen said...

I loved this movie. It really touched my hubby and I. I'd love the book to get some more ideas on loving him more deeply. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

I have heard amazing things about this movie and about the Love Dare books. I certainly think this would be a good giveaway for me to win at this point in my marriage.

Unknown said...

Loved seeing the movie with my husband. This book is on my Christmas wish list!

Laura said...

I still haven't seen the movie. I can't wait so see it. I've seen clips and feel it has an important message. Kirk Cameron only does projects that he truly believes in and feels that God has put before him. Thanks for the opportunity. God bless you and your family.

aahcoffee said...

I saw the movie with my husband and actually just posted yesterday about it! I truly think that it was a huge part of us giving this marriage thing another stab. :)
Please, please, please pick me!!!

Anonymous said...

We haven't seen this yet, but are wanting to!
Let me tell ya... we have had our 'fireproof' moments...

Tara said...

My husband and I went and saw the movie a few weeks ago.. Our first date since we have been married just about.. which would be 5 years. I still feel like I am thinking about the movie and the principles. I would love the book!

cloudspassby78 (at) yahoo (dot) com

rccalyn said...

I've heard so many good things about that movie, and now the book. I can't wait to get my hands on it! My hubby and I are expecting daughter #2 in February!
--Stacy (slwilkins05@yahoo.com)

Blue Tourmaline said...

i really want to see this movie. We have had rough times in our marriage, but we persevered. What helped us the most was Love and Respect by Dr Emerson eggerichs

Julie said...

I am super excited to see this movie! And I would love to read the book. My husband and I have been married for 8 years and counting! Thanks!

Qtpies7 said...

We went and watched it last week. I blogged about it, too. (sorry I can't give the link, my computer is not cooperating, and shuts down after every few blogs, lol, don't want to lose momentum here)

My husband and I, unfortunately, found out the hard way that our marriage is Fire Proof. Glad it is, but not glad for the testing.

Wanda said...

Awesome post. My church kicked off the Fireproof series this weekend.
I bought tickets to see the movie but when it was time to go...hubby was too sick with the flu.
Gonna go soon.

Great prize.

Nichole said...

I have been really wanting to read this book! Thanks for offering it!

Kacy said...

I bought this book for my DH for Christmas, but I'd love to have a copy for my parents. Never too old to show you love one another, right?! :)

Love said...

i, too, am so thankful for the movie fireproof. my church promoted it and brought it to our town cinema. then they gave away tickets for 4 nights. i'm so thankful for those tickets.
you are right....you couldn't leave that movie the same person.
after it was over, i too commented that it was the very 1st time i heard the audience applaud after a movie!!
i have this book already....but if i win this copy, i look forward to giving it to a specific friend and challenging her to do the Love Dare alongside of me. thanks so much.

Tiffany @ Lattes And Life said...

I can't wait for this to come on DVD! Unfortunately, we don't have anyone to watch our toddler so no date nights for us!! I'd love to win the book, while I'm waiting on the DVD!! Thanks!
give_me_a_latte at yahoo

Kimberly said...

WOW... I must live under a rock or something because I never heard of this. It sounds powerful and certainly something I really want to see. You've piqued my interest with your review.

Thanks for the link to the site and for sharing this with us and thanks for the great giveaway!

HunnyV "at" Optonline "dot" net

Unknown said...

I loved the movie. My husband & I are unequally yoked (or is it yolked?) and I felt like this movie wouldn't be too "preachy" or "religious" for him. I don't know but I really liked it!

Anonymous said...

We loved this movie too! It is one that I will probably watch over and over again when it's out on DVD. It certainly did hit the nail on the head and there is much to glean from it. I would love to win this giveaway!

Thanks so much!

Anonymous said...

I really want to see this movie with my husband. I have heard so many good things about it. Thanks for the post.

Anonymous said...

Haven't seen the movie, but have heard so much about it...all good. I'm very interested in the Love Dare Book.


LivingforGod said...

I plan to buy the DVD when it comes out. I am a very blessed wife; my husband is a Godly man and my best friend. Our marriage is Christ-centered.

Thanks for a chance to win the book!


have not seen it but want to and know kirk is awesome and cannot wait to go to this weekend on a date...would love to win...looks great, please enter me...mrs.mommyyatgmail.com

Rach said...

My husband and I have made plans to see the movie but it was sold out when we got to the theater...we plan to go back!

frugallm said...

I want to see this movie soooo bad!! Unfortunately we live in a rural area and the closest theater it is playing in is about an hour and a half away. I may have to wait for the DVD. The book is also on my wish list!!

elkmeese at yahoo dot com

Jen said...

We want to see this movie so bad. But we live too far from a theater that is showing it. I've heard so many good things about it. I would love to win the book. What a testamony Kirk Cameron has!

Anonymous said...

My husband and I are actually trying to plan a date night to go see this movie. Everyone keeps telling me how wonderful it is. We just celebrated out 7th anniversary and I love him more and more each day :)

mackenzie said...

i've heard so much about this book and movie. i wish we could get time to go see it. i guess we'll have to wait until it comes out on dvd

Carolyn Sharkas said...

I want to go see this movie. I friend of mine has seen it several times. I am hoping to take my hubby to see it, too. He is usually a blood and guts guy, but maybe he will like this one.
thanks for sharing

ceashark at aol dot com

flmom said...

We weren't able to go see the movie, but I plan to purchase it when it comes out on dvd. I know my marriage will benefit from it! I've read so many wonderful things about it.

Staci A said...

Sounds like a wonderful movie! Since my hubby and I don't get to go out very often, okay, never. We have movie dates at home, sounds like we'll have to rent this when it comes out. We love spending time together and being able to reconnect after the little one's in bed. Thanks for the giveaway!

Carrie said...

What a great giveaway! I haven't gotten to see the movie yet, but am looking forward to it coming out on DVD. This book sounds like it would be a great marriage-booster.

Anonymous said...

Well, I am not married, nor have I gone to see the movie. However, I do know the premise. The reason why I am entering this giveaway is for my own parents. My parents are more than what I could ever hope for. They have given so much of themselves to me and my siblings that I'm not sure that there's anything left for each other. Although my father is not a fireman, nor does he have any ties to pornography, I'd like for them to have this book.

Sarah said...

I'm hoping we make it to see the movie while it's still in theaters. Otherwise we'll get it on DVD. I'd love this book!

Lydia said...

I LOVE Fireproof!


Jenny said...

I had never heard of it until reading this post, but now we are going to see it on Sunday while my mom watches our daughter :-) I watched the trailer and it looks interesting. I'd love to have one of the Love Dare books!


Anita said...

I would love to have this book. Me and my husband send my son to grandmas so we can have quiet time. We also make sure we all sit down to supper together.

marky said...

We haven't seen the movie yet, but hope to this weekend.
I would love the book. Thanks for offering this freebie!

Jessica-MomForHim said...

We just went to see Fireproof last Friday and I blogged about it too!
Phenomenal movie! Have you seen their other two movies? Those are also very good. :-)

Kristy said...

After seeing an interview with Kirk Cameron about this movie my husband and I can't wait to see it!

Unknown said...

I would love to see this movie, but it probably won't happen for us until it comes out on DVD!!

we have had 4 kids in the last 5 years... need I say more??

parresia03 (at) gmail (dot) com

Michelle said...

I have heard such good reviews about this movie and am really hoping to be able to see it with my husband. My husband will be deploying soon for a year; and I really would like this book to make sure we keep our marriage strong while he is gone.

Anonymous said...

Military here so sometimes we are apart more than together... It's tougher than you would think because when you are together the time isn't all happy however, you also realize how precious your time together is.... wiicked13 [at] yahoo [dot] com

Cherie J said...

I have not seen the movie but now I know I must. Anything that will help strengthen our marriage is a must see. Maybe for our next date night.


Amity said...

I have heard a ton of great stuff about this movie and can't wait to see it...I would love the book too. I love my husband very much although as of late we have been having some problems...maybe this book could help us out!!

Huse Yo Mama said...

I don't know anyone who has seen this movie, personally, but your summation of it sounds like it's a must-see! I'd love to have a chance to win this!

By the way, I'm having a giveaway over at my place. Check it out, if you're interested. www.theotherhuse.blogspot.com

Shannon said...

We would love to see the movie and read the book...heard great things and love your post.

Nadi said...

I was supposed to go see this movie with my hubby, but our plans fell through with the baby sitter and we ended up not going =( bummer. Now I REALLY want to see it.
I'd love to win this though!

treflea4 at gmail dot com

Becca said...

This movie looks really good, thanks!!!

Sarah said...

oh we've been wanting to see that and now i'm even more motivated!!

sarahn4639 at gmail dot com

Crayl said...

I've heard only good things about this movie. Can't wait to see it. Thanks for a chance.

Windy said...

We need to see the movie. I would love to have the book - I have heard great things about this:)

Julie said...

We haven't seen this yet. I have heard nothing but good things about it though.

Kristen said...

I hadn't even heard of this movie yet, but I would really love to see it based on what you said and others comments. It sounds like a truly amazing film.

Anonymous said...

I'm reading your blog and the comments with my eyes closed, because I REALLY want to see this movie, and don't want it spoiled.

You ever try to read with your eyes closed? It's a special talent. LOL

Susan W said...

I am intrigued - and hadn't heard of this at all! I've bookmarked their site so I can check it out further...thanks for hte great recommendation!

suserat at yahoo dot com

Lisa @ The Plain-Spoken Pen said...

I haven't seen the movie (kid-free movie nights are few and far between these days!), but it sounds wonderful. My husband and I are newlyweds (second marriage for us both), and I'd love to win the giveaway - I want this time to be for keeps. Thanks!

Rebecca said...

My husband and I haven't seen the movie but we need to. I love my husband b/c he is so giving. He always is looking for ways to make someone else's life better and richer.

peony paperie said...

Our church is next to a firestation, and the church gave pairs of tickets to this movie to all the firemen/women and asked them to see it. I haven't seen it yet, but I would love to.

Jessica Smith said...


Here is my posting for this contest...


Jodi said...

I am not married, but I would love to win this for my best friend and her husband.


Kathy - mom of many said...

I haven't been able to see Fireproof yet, but I really really want to! I loved the other two movies from Sherwood, so I'm sure I will love this one too. I have heard so many good things about it.


Anonymous said...

Hi! I am so glad I found you through the Giveaway. I have been blogging since June, but just recently started to really browse other blogs. I will definitely bookmark yours! I saw Fireproof with my husband, and commented on my Blog a while back - here's the link:

Thanks for the giveaway. We would like to have this book!

Jinxy and Me said...

I heard an interview about this movie on TV and it looked interesting. Thanks for the giveaway!

HilLesha O'Nan said...

I'd love to watch this movie! It sounds like a really good movie. It is about time that more Christian movies are making their way to the theatre. :)

lilacbutterfly [at] earthlink.net

Niki said...

awesome review! I really want to see this movie. Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

I am so touched by what you've said here. I was going to wait until it came out on dvd but not anymore. I need to see this on the big screen and I need to see it now. Thank you so much!

Anonymous said...

I think i am going to have to see this movie now. With the boy too.

what a great giveaway.

bangbanglovely at aim dot com

Brianne said...

Wow - what a review! I hadn't given the movie too much thought, but now I really want to see it! Maybe I can convince my husband to take me out on a much-needed date night!
Thanks for the giveaway.

Charlotte said...

I have only seen clips of the movie in our Bible study, and I can't wait to see the movie. I'd love to have a copy of The Love Dare.


Rachel said...

How have I not heard about this movie?!?! I've been married for three years, and I welcome any advice! haha :)

rachelsrealdeals @ gmail . com

Anonymous said...

I saw this book the other day and have added it to my wish list. I think it would be a great way to give my marriage a boost!

Anonymous said...

I haven't seen Fireproof but I seen it discussed on.. Dr. Phil? It looks really good and I can't wait to see it :) It sounds like we all can learn something from it.

raspberrykitty at aol dot com

(I'm giving away $5 Amazon gc, $5 DiNGS gc, $20 cozy moments gc AND a sports jersey!)

Cindy B.of Montana said...

We haven't seen the movie yet, but keep hearing about it. We live in a very rural area, so it'll probably be awhile before it shows up. We'd love the book. Thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Would you believe my 20 year old saw this movie and LOVED it? He told me that my husband must see it! If we ever have a date night again, that's what we will do.Also, it makes me proud of my "little" boy that he knows these values.

Aldara said...

I have heard so many wonderful things about this movie and I am dying to go but with a new baby it is so hard to find a sitter. But working on your marriage is so important!

Anonymous said...

I haven't seen it yet but I REALLY want to!!! Thanks for the giveaway!

Pricousins at aol dot com

Krista said...

I've actually heard mixed reviews about this movie. We rarely go to the theater so we'll probably watch it on video. Thanks for the giveaway though!
teacherkrista at gmail dot com

Ashley Wells said...

I absolutely loved this movie!!! I wrote a full review at the blog. Check it out for more!


icajay said...

This movie was great and really changed the way I looked at things. I was so greatful to see it! moni.rapier at gmail.com

Anonymous said...

Your description makes the movie sound beautiful. I'm not married, but I'm hoping to win so I can give this as a wedding present!

greenyak [at] yahoo [dot] com

Robin in New Jersey said...

I'm looking forward to seeing this movie. My husband and I just realized the other day that we have been neglecting spending time with each other and after 26 years of marriage, it's not a good thing.

Anonymous said...

I already really wanted to see this movie, but reading your review I wish I could go see it tonight! Hopefully as soon as I don't have throwing up children my DH and I can make a date to watch it.

cvdmvega said...

I have only heard good things about this movie...it is set to come to our home town next week...thank you for offering this...cvdmvega@yahoo.com

Christy@pipandsqueak said...

I loved the movie and would love to have the book. I think it would help any marriage to be a better one.

Tobye said...

Guess I'll have to see the movie now! Seriously, marriage is so tough, and I can use all the help I can get to hang in there!

momma24 said...

This movie was Fabulous! We are going to buy it and let our kids watch it many times before they get married. It was eye opening for my husband and myslef. Please enter me.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait for the movie to come on DVD! Thanks for the chance to win.
mcginnis135 at bellsouth dot net

Felicia said...

I loved the movie! It was a long-needed date after the birth of our 4th blessing. We highly recommend it!

Mindi said...

I have been wanting to go see this movie and get the book with my husband. It's so nice to see things come out that aren't the R rated garbage they're usually showing.

queenbee said...

I have heard a lot of good things about this movie on peoples blogs, but haven't seen it at any of the theaters near me. My hubby and I really should see it as our marriage of 6 years is in a definate slump right now. Maybe the movie will inspire us both to get our connection back. I really hope to win this giveaway.


Martha said...

This movie is really incredible! Thanks for the giveaway!!

Corina said...

I want to see the movie! HOw incredible! I absolutely love when a piece of media..a film, a song, a book..can touch you that deeply and you feel as if you have been changed forever. That is a beautiful thing.

I just wanted to give a big HOORAY! to all the married couples who are defying the statistics! My husband and I have been married almsot 7 yrs and my heart still skips a beat when I hear his voice, when I see him I still get butterflies in my tummy. He is awesome!! God is good!

Anonymous said...

My hubby & I saw this last weekend and it was so amazing. Tomorrow we are going to a Fireproof your marriage seminar. I have been telling everybody I know to see this movie (some more forcefully encouraging than others).

Becky N. said...

I had never heard of this before. But from what you describe, the trailer, and reading about the book at the website, it sounds like this really revolves completely around one of my favorite concepts about love. So I'm definitely interested. Doubt I'll get to a theater anytime soon, but I'll add it to my Netflix for when it eventually comes out on DVD. :)

theresesophia said...

Hubby and I have a date tomorrow night... perhaps we can see the show. Have heard lots of good things about it and the book. Would love to win!

Anonymous said...

I've been wanting to see this and haven't had a chance, yet. But I can assure you that Hubby and I will very soon.
Thanks for the giveaway. I hear it's a wonderful book, too.

triplett dot heather at gmail dot com

Angie said...

I know I am too late...but I needed to post anyway. Your description of the movie made me cry...We have had a tough year this year...lots of things have gone wrong...and it all culminated with my husband getting laid off in June. Our marriage has truly been tested. As soon as I can..I am going to see this movie with him...because I think it is just what we need...thank you so much for the wonderful review!

demmi said...

I never heard of this movie it sounds really good

Chris said...

What a fabulous movie! Just like you my wife and I used it as a great reason for a date without the kids. It was such a wonderful look into the reality of marriage and the reality of the relations that go on inside that marriage. Often in the movies, the story would have been totally different in that when he started, she would have immediately gone to him and all would have been wonderful or she would have just walked away and continued the divorce. However, this was a reality based look at it. A must see for any couple that is married or considering marriage!

Kathryn Skaggs said...

We absolutely loved the movie as well. I don't think I could write a more beautiful movie review of "Fireproof" - than what you have posted here.

Just lovely:-)

Kathryn Skaggs
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