As promised on Wednesday, I'm going to tell you more about the I'm An Author program Cherish Bound offers....of course I said I'd tell you more on Thursday, but you was one of those days. So today I'm going to fill you in on a little bit more of this amazing writing, telling & publishing program for kids and the giveaway!!
The Power of Story Starts in the Family...of course!It is the Golden Thread that binds us together. •What stories are you sharing with your children?
Stories In Children•They learn some of life’s Greatest Lesson. It's a •Powerful Medium for parents and family. •Stories motivate, inspire and give children the confidence they need.
“Stories told by you are the gifts that last a life time”
What is the Program?I'm An Author is a two-part literacy program consisting of wiring and publishing workshops. It teaches students how to find, capture, and share their personal stories. Cherish Bound story consultants all over the country are help students generate ideas and through cooperative learning techniques, help them develops those ideas into a fully written final product. One of the unique features of this workshop is its emphasis on oral storytelling.
Additional Skills your students will develop:
How will it Impact your child? Power to inspire, encourage, teach, connect and excite! Confidence from becoming a “published author".
I'm An Author is a fantastic program of inspiration, story and creativity. Unfortunately I can't giveaway the I'm An Author curriculum and lessons plans; only trained active Cherish Bound consultants are allowed to have it. But I am going to share some of the great products we use in the class! So I'm giving away a mini Children's kit!
I don't have any kids, but I think its such a great thing!
I have a bunch of kids (okay - a smallish bunch) but they all love artistic endeavors - so plleeeeeaaaaassssseeee pick me.
My kids will write stories about horses and princesses and dinosaurs!
And I will be linking this right away -
Hi there! What an awesome idea! I don't have children, but I have two nieces (2 and 8) who are the light of my life and spend lots of time with us (DH and me).
Thanks to you for doing this and to UtahJenny for linking me over from her blog. :-)
Take care!
My boys would tell stories of dinosaurs, trucks, or cars! Thank you for the giveaway!
My daughters would write about pets, living in a new house, having sisters, school, etc. They LOVE to draw and create so this would be perfect for them
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