This past week has been filled with some new experiences....Hurricane and Tornado have figured us out. I think they have their own little conspiracy going. They learned how fun it is to climb out of their brother's Pokemon cards, ransack sissy's room and find and eat an entire jumbo size box of Runts, unsupervised playtime at 2am....that's what our nights have been like. We're all sleep deprived. Climbing out of their beds AT LEAST 35 times, as we sit by the door and try and scare them back into the bed...yeah right! They're the cutest things you've ever seen and they just laugh! We can hear them on the monitor whispering to each other coaxing each other out of bed to join in the mischief. I'm exhausted! But I know in a few years I'll be crying my eyes out because I haven't got a cute toddler running a muck around my house...So I'm going to suck it up and enjoy it...yes, I'm going to enjoy the late nights, short naps and adorable giggles!

Love the slime & boogers? I really do give them baths...I do!
Coop saved up enough money to finally buy herself a Laptop! Yes, she got a laptop before ME!! I'm 100% jealous, but so proud of her! She's so disciplined and I love to see her planning for the future...she wanted to purchase this laptop so she had something to take with her to law school. By the way, she's in 7th grade.

Z-man and Shrek discovered an amazing state park not too far from where we live...BEAUTIFUL! Bike trails, fishing, camping, hiking....awesome!
T-Rex has been busy with school and making moo-la! She's earning money for her summer camps so she's picked up some great babysitting jobs, but has scored big time by working the concession stand at our baseball fields. Learning the value of dollar...

1 comment:
How cute is that-whispering to one another-Team Storm! I know what you mean, since I have older and way younger children-you just appreciate things more-they grow up too fast! You're doing good momma! Matbe one day you'll get some sleep (and me too:))
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