Monday, May 4, 2009

Family Yearbook Challenge 2009 - Week 15 - Remembering Mom

If you're new to the Family Yearbook Challenge click HERE & then HERE
Don't forget to leave a comment and check in...I'm keeping track of all the comments posted in the Family YB Challenge for a big giveaway at the end of the go back and check in each of the FYBC posts if you haven't done so.

Homework May 4-10:

Yes, that's me and my mommy...

May is about Mother's. Whether you have one or you are one, Mother's are worth taking the time to write about. So this week's lesson is about YOUR mother, or grandmother, or aunt....the Mother figures in your life that have shaped you and made you the woman you are today. This week, pick at least one of these women to highlight in your family yearbook. Here are some ideas...
  • Interview them
  • Find out their favorites (quotes, scriptures, stories, people)
  • Ask them to tell you their favorite stories of motherhood
  • Take some pictures of them
  • Find some old pictures of them
  • Record memories from this past year with them
  • What's their favorite recipes
  • Tell how they have impacted you
  • Ask them to tell you about their "Lessons Learned" and any tips about life they can pass on
Now COPY and paste any photos that you have that go with these events and questions into a new folder titled April and create another folder for May. If you'd like to rename the photos you can with May 1, May 2, May 3 and so on and so on. If you have any memorabilia that is NOT digital, scan and save as a jpg. minimum 300 dpi to your May folder, named and labeled. If you have a "story" you can hand write it or "type" it into a document and save in the same folder.
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Krystal said...

We're going to visit family next week, so I think I'll interview my mom and my mother-in-law. I'm so excited for this week's homework!!

Debbie said...

This is a wonderful idea!

Michelle said...

AWESOME. I"m SOOOOO going to do this. I love your blog!