Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Wordless Wednesday - My Mama

My mama will KILL me if she knows I put her picture up for public viewing...But I'm so happy to have her for a few days I had to share her! This is a picture taken at the softball field after some rain and sitting in hours of Florida humidity... She'll kill me! But the only way she'll find out is if she can turn her computer on, get online and find my blog...and that's doubtful... ♥

For more Wordless Wednesday visit
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Momstart said...

That's a great photo, my DH will kill me when he sees that I put a photo of him up, but it's so cute

Kekibird said...

Wonderful! Enjoy your time with her. Mom's are special to have around :o)

Tina said...


How guys have the same smile!

momof3girls said...

girl, you are so funny!!! You crack me up! I'm glad you are having such a good time spending down time with your momma!
(my mom only got onto facebook, when someone noticed she was not on it, and asked if she was dead - I laughed so hard! Needless to say she is on facebook now) Hope you have a good visit!

Brooke said...

Beautiful picture of a mom and daughter... Sadly my mom knows about my blog so I must be careful what I post.. lol

Robyn said...

Cute pic!! My mom would also kill me if I did that so I know what you mean! lol

Mom All Day

Muthering Heights said...

LOL, well, she should be happy that you want to put up a photo of her! :) It's a cute one of you two!

Cheffie-Mom said...

Both of you are precious! enJOY your time with her!