Sunday, February 3, 2008

Heartwarming Stories: Family Story Time

Stories are what make us real and alive. They can bring out emotions from one extreme to another. They can connect the past with the future and they can heal our deepest wounds and fears. Stories are an important part of our existance on this earth. Whether they're shared through spoken word, printed on paper or even to a crowd of 100, they're worth telling.

Because I think it's so important to share stories, I'm keeping Sunday's all about stories. On Sunday's, I'll share some personal stories, have family share some and even have friends and guests come in and share a moment big or small that connected them, healed them or made them laugh.

But for this week, share a story with a child. It can be your own, from a book, or "make-believe". Just plan time to cuddle up and share a thought, moment or story. Start a tradition of telling stories to your children and grandchildren.

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