Wednesday, February 13, 2008

2007 Family Yearbook!

As crazy as it seems, we're already a good 6 weeks deep into 2008. I don't know about you, but my mind goes into a fog very quickly and the memories of the previous year tend to slip away quicker with each day that passes. So before we get any further into 2008, it's time to gather and organize your stories and memories from 2007.

Thank goodness Cherish Bound offers the amazing Family Yearbook Story Starter. (one of my personal favorites) This story starter will break down your ENTIRE year for you!! There are 6 sections inside the booklet that help break up your year into bite size chunks....keeping it simple and easy for you.

The sections are:

  • A day in the life of our family
  • Monthly Happenings
  • All about each of us
  • Our year by themes
  • No Pictures...No Worries
  • Pop Culture

Each of these sections has around 10 questions to help remind you of events, details, memories and allows for the entire family to get involved and add their own versions of the stories.

In the very back of the Story Starter there is plenty of room to write all your thoughts and outlines down and organzine your entire Family Yearbook before hitting the computer for publishing. The proccess is simple yet complete.

A great tool to use while doing your family album is your calendar from the year you're writing about. Calendars are the perfect tool for reminding ourselves of all the events our families took part in throughout the year.

There have been times when I needed to do Major Catch-up from years way back or multiple years at one time....that's when I do an A-Z book. It's great way out of trying to do everything chronologically. Instead of doing your Family Yearbook chronologically you can do it alphabetically and relieve unnecessary stress.

And of course attending the Family Yearbook Workshop is a must! This is where you get to write and organize your entire book in just a few hours. Workshops provide a quiet, organized, efficient enviorment for you to complete the writnig process of your Family Yearbook.

2008 will be over before you know it, so don't wait! Get started now with your 2007 Family Yearbook. The process is easy and I'm here to help!

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