Thursday, July 26, 2007

Find, Capture and Share Your Stories

Step One, FIND YOUR STORY: Whether you realize it or not, you have 1000's of stories waiting to be told. It may be a little moment or a life-changing experience. Either way, your story needs to be told and I'm here to help you do that. Cherish Bound’s Story Starters and other story products are a perfect way to help you begin or continue a family tradition of finding your stories.

Step Two, CAPTURE YOUR STORY: Once you have found a story that is important to you, you may feel intimidated by writing your story or feel like, “I don’t know what to say.” I can help you write your story, organize your thoughts and pictures as you begin the story writing process. Through online workshops and timelines I'll help you capture your story.

Step Three, SHARE YOUR STORY: When you have the opportunity to share the story you have just found and captured you will fully experience the power of story in your life. The connection and feelings of satisfaction and self-worth that are created when a story is shared cannot be measured. These connections are the building blocks of enduring family traditions.

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